Cities of Italy

Rome in March

March in Rome, however, as in other European cities, is considered off-season. Despite the fact that it is already quite warm, especially compared to the winter months, there are few tourists at this time - those who come to Rome in March for some reason cannot travel at other times come to Rome. In early spring, you can hurry up and browse the sights of the Italian capital, visit museums and exhibitions, as well as go shopping - in early March, winter sales are just ending.

March weather in Rome is completely unpredictable - it can change not only daily, but throughout the day.

Rome Weather March

Italians themselves call March Marzo è pazzarello - the crazy month. There are slightly fewer cloudy and rainy days in March than in February, however, a waterproof jacket, an umbrella, and a warm sweater will come in handy more than once. In the afternoon, the temperature reaches + 15C, and sometimes even + 20C, at night the thermometer column drops to + 7C.

March weather in Rome is completely unpredictable

Rome Weather March directly depends on the direction of the wind: the south breeze blew - it got warmer in the city, if the wind turned around, the temperature even in the daytime can reach night values ​​- + 7 + 8С.

  • The average daily temperature in Rome in March + 15C
  • The average night temperature in Rome in March + 7C
  • Number of rainy days - 8

Things to do

The first spring holiday - International Women's Day, in Rome, and throughout Italy, is almost not celebrated. Of course, politically active Italians hold rallies and demonstrations on this day, at which they advocate for the professional equality of women, but everyone else just uses the celebration as an occasion to meet friends in a cafe or restaurant to chat about their own, about girls', without men.

In all the entertainment venues in Rome on March 8 you can find exclusively ladies' companies. For ladies, festive concerts and performances are organized that day, men give them traditional branches of mimosa, and museums do not require entrance fees (this applies exclusively to women).

St. Francesca Roman Day

March 9 in Rome - a kind of driver's day. It’s actually Saint Francesca Roman Daybut since she is considered the patroness of motorists, vehicle owners come to the square near the church of Santa Francesca Romana to receive a blessing.

On March 19, the Romans celebrate two holidays at once - Father's Day and St. Giuseppe's Day. Father's day - the only, and therefore the main holiday of Italian men. On this day, congratulate and give souvenirs to all men, but especially honor their fathers.

A bottle of good wine is usually considered a traditional gift for beloved dads, which is usually accompanied by a box of cigars, perfume, or some piece of clothing. Father's Day is most often celebrated in the family circle - at home or in your favorite restaurant.

St. Giuseppe's Day (this is the name of Joseph in Italy - the husband of the Virgin Mary) is highly revered by Italians. Giuseppe is the patron saint of the poor, in his honor many cafes and restaurants of Rome organize charity dinners for those in need. In ancient times, in honor of St. Giuseppe, traditional “zeppole” pancakes were baked, which were treated to relatives and neighbors. A dish with pancakes was also put on a bench near the house so that every passer-by could treat them. Many Italian housewives bake such pancakes now.

During Easter Rome experiences a real tourist invasion

By profession, St. Giuseppe was a carpenter, so everyone who works with wood celebrate their professional holiday on this day. And Giuseppe patronizes chaste girls - it is to him that young Italians turn with requests for a good bridegroom.

March 21 Italians, including the Romans, celebrate Tree Day. Once upon a time in Rome, real celebrations were organized, but today the holiday is held quite modestly - volunteers meet in the appointed places in order to unite themselves in the greening of city streets and squares.

Music lovers can attend the Harpsichord Music Festival - the only one in the world. It is held in March at the Palace of the Office.

Also in March, a traditional athletics marathon takes place, in which everyone can take part - you only need to submit an application in advance. The number of athletes participating in the Roman marathon is constantly growing - in recent years, about a hundred thousand people have gone the distance.

A traditional marathon takes place in Rome in March

Sometimes the end of March is a celebration Easter - The most important and most beloved spring holiday (a complete list of Easter dates in Italy 2012-2025 on BlogoItaliano can be found here). Italians celebrate Easter magnificently and on a grand scale: solemn masses are held in churches, and magnificent festive dinners are held in houses, for which hostesses prepare for several days.

Traditionally, during Easter, Rome experiences a real invasion of tourists - who want to visit the traditional festive mass in the Vatican, and at the same time take a walk through Roman sights - not to count.

March in Rome is quite suitable for sightseeing

To save time in long queues for tickets, where it is quite possible to spend several hours, the most enterprising travelers buy tickets in advance - online. One of the easiest ways to do this is to use the popular service below.

The time saved in the lines can be turned into new impressions. For example, among Europeans and Americans visiting Rome in recent years, a day trip to Florence, to the cradle of the Renaissance, is especially popular.

Thanks to high-speed trains that cover the 300-kilometer distance in just 1.5 hours, it is really easy to make an independent trip. Moreover, train tickets can be bought in advance via the Internet. Well, if you prefer other modes of transport, we recommend our article How to get from Rome to Florence and from Florence to Rome.

Finally, another way to have fun in March is to organize an excursion program. Fortunately, with something, but with excursions in the Eternal City, everything is in order. If you wish, you can take both an individual guide and join an organized tour.

The only caveat: if Easter in Rome accounted for in March, then it is better to solve questions of the “excursion” in advance, since on these days the time of the guides can be scheduled for the weeks ahead. You can choose a guide or group excursions through numerous Internet services or seek help from Lele, about whom BlogoItaliano wrote in detail in the article Rome Guide: Your Man in the Eternal City.

Rome in March. Summary

March in Rome is quite suitable for tourists who are not afraid of sudden weather changes: clear days can be devoted to sightseeing, and on rainy days you can go to museums or galleries. The weather is quite warm, but not enough to give up warm clothes, umbrellas and waterproof shoes.

Holidays and celebrations in March in Rome are enough - Italians have fun regardless of weather conditions. In addition, the beginning of March marks the end of the winter sales season in Italy, of course, the choice of goods in stores by this time is already small, but the discounts are reaching unprecedented sizes.

Cost of tours in Rome in March small, since the tourist season in the capital of Italy has not yet begun, prices can only increase during the Easter holidays, if Easter falls on March.

Other useful articles

  • Italy in March
  • How to buy cheap flights to Italy
  • How to get to Rome from Fiumicino Airport
  • Interesting places in Rome where you can buy tickets online
  • Sistine Chapel and the Vatican Museums: what you should know.

Photos by: Luigi Strano, galeriapt.gaudiumpress, Alan Lam, karlnorling, David McSpadden, BostonCatholic.

Watch the video: Rome Italy trip 2017 March (September 2024).

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